Monday, December 15, 2014

Final Project Accompanying Story

College is said to be one of the greatest experiences in a young person’s life.

I can personally attest to this statement, as I have had some of the most fun in my life in only 3 short semesters here at Lyndon.

The friendships that were made here, are probably some of the strongest bonds that I have come across in my life.  And it is easy to realize that most of us will remain friends long after our college years are over.

It’s unfortunate that all of these friendships and bonds made over time come at a price.  We come to college with the expectation that we are getting a quality education, which will better our lives in the future.  It’s just a bonus that the friendships come along with it.

More than just friendships made though, experiences, playing college baseball, parties, no matter how big or small were always the best parts of the weekends. 

These 4 years, 5 for a lot of the students that attend Lyndon; are the stories that your children will be told.  These are where their expectations come from, where their excitement to further their education comes from.  From being involved in the entire student section getting thrown out of the hockey game, to just sitting in the room watching the game with the squad, these are the memories that future stories will consist of.

Remembrance is a great thing, but the story here at Lyndon isn’t finished. Two and a half years remain here with the boys, and plenty of more memories are to be made.  The exciting part is that not knowing what will happen next, what the next occurrence will be that will cause me to fall to my knees due to laughter.  But that is that best part about college, and my time here at Lyndon. 

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