Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Technorati Blog Critique:

  • Like- it provides a lot of information
  • Dislike- its hard to find different blog posts
  • This blog is updated every couple of days, according to when the latest blog posts were written
  • The comments do indicate that people are reading the blog because one of the comments states that this was a well written article.
  • On certain blogs it does use video examples, some use pictures, however most of it is text. 

Ad first looks, big-time pub programmatic growth, and Forensiq fraud

Deciding which advertising partner gets first look isn’t easy, big-time publishers are putting more resources into their programmatic buying strategies, what’s helping find fraudulent traffic, how open systems are increasing performance, and find out what’s causing massive programmatic growth across display, mobile and video channels.
Here are a few highlights from some of the industry news we came across this week …
  • Who Gets First Look? (MediaPost) — Publisher ad inventory is valuable, and every ad partner wants to get that first look — a look that can garner 10 times the performance, this article says. But who gets it? Read on for some solutions and tips on making that important call.
  • A New Addition to the C-Suite: Chief Programmatic Officer (AdAge) — It’s only natural to look at the biggest and the best and hope for insights into how they got to be, well, the biggest and the best. This is certainly true for ad-supported online publishing. Take a look ad how top-tier publishers like AOL and WaPo are putting increased resources into programmatic buying.

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